Feature Headline

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Unmet HIPAA regulations are a major risk.

A Tier 1 failed inspection could cost as much as $50,000.00.

Eliminate Your Risk


receive your Free Audit.

EPIK designed, engineered, and manufactured a patent pending

telecommunications solution.

Our product is a companion appliance that compliments every phone system.

Whether you are utilizing a basic digital phone system, an on-premise PBX, or a

cloud-based Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) Solution

EPIK can help you keep your patients records request system functioning.


In fact if you are using a cloud-based UCaaS solution

EPIK can supply some of the “missing puzzle pieces” that complete the solution.

EPIK can handle all of these devices that don’t work well (if at all) with VoIP solutions

fax, point of sale, voice lines, alarms, SCADA, and more.

Be sure your phone and internet services are HIPAA Compliant.


We provide medical office solutions.

Medical Office Applications

  • FX5/FXO/PRI/T1/CAS/SIP - these are types of voice services that deliver dial tone to your office. The EPIK Class 5 Switch will interface with all of them.

  • Install the EPIK Class 5 Switch: now within your office you have now replaced the Central Office located a mile or so away from your office. Therefore you have eliminated all of the risks involved with copper lines running underground or overhead to your office.

  • Eliminate Risk: You have now eliminated the risk of "rain static", downed power poles, cut copper cables from digging crews and all unfortunate accidents that you are no longer at risk of experiencing when you own an EPIK Class 5 Switch Intelligent Router.

We provide compliance solutions.

HIPAA, PCI, NFPA & UL Compliance

  • National Fire Protection Association: EPIK complies with NFPA Rule 72 for fire alarms.

  • Underwriters Laboratories: EPIK complies with UL Rule 864 for fire alarms and fire alarm panels.

  • Alalog Fax with Fax to E-mail: EPIK complies with HIPAA End to End Encryption

  • The EPIK eFax Service: is HIPAA Compliant

  • Point of Sale (POS) Systems: EPIK is PCI Compliant

We provide protection.


EPIK is designed to provide “always up” telecom services that businesses are accustomed to using.

EPIK runs on Verizon’s highly reliable 4G LTE Network so that critical voice services stay up, even if the internet is down (and can also provide backup internet in the event primary service is interrupted).

EPIK has built-n battery back-up so that services stay working even if the power is out.

We provide

proactive disaster prevention.

Why recover from a disaster if you can avoid one altogether?

EPIK’s unique combination of Soft-Switch, Ethernet, and 4G technology has produced a flexible, reliable, and scalable “Universal Appliance” that not only replaces copper POTS lines, but solves many different telecom challenges and reduces monthly costs.

EPIK is a natural “companion product” whose benefits (functional and financial) can be universally realized, regardless of what telephone system/UC platform, primary trunking type, or network connectivity that you employ.

EPIK helps to COMPLETE telecom solutions rather than COMPETE with them.

Be sure your phone and internet services are HIPAA Compliant.


The Analog (POTS) Network Future Is No More

All states have been given the authorization to discontinue their analog (POTS) plain old telephone service networks, the states highlighted in red have begun the process.

Which is your state?

Map of the United States of America showing the states that are decommissioning their copper telephone networks in red.  EPIK Communications HIPAA Compliance solutions call 463.222.2246

Did you know?

After years of lobbying State and Federal Governments to replace copper lines with IP-based systems the major telecommunications companies that own the copper networks (AT&T, Verizon, Frontier, CenturyLink) have been given approval to abandon their (POTS) Plain Old Telephone Service copper networks.

State legislators in many states have already given the go ahead and decommissioning of the copper networks is in "full swing".

How do we provide a flexible future?

The EPIK™ BOX utilizes a 4G LTE or an internet connection and a built-in lithium battery that is being constantly recharged by a standard 110V power outlet. On top of providing every-day connectivity, in the event of a power outage, the EPIK™ BOX delivers unmatched failover connectivity.

EPIK is your HIPAA compliant option.

Working with EPIK to meet your phone and internet compliance needs could also save you money.

Your HIPAA Non-Compliance Liability

HIPAA Penalty tiers

Did you know?

HIPAA fines range between;

Tier 1: $100 and $50,000*

Tier 2: $1,000 and $50,000*

Tier 3: $10,000 and $50,000*

Tier 4: fines are $50,000 per incident*

*Each violation is considered an incident and you can be fined for each incident up to a maximum of $1.5 million from combined incidents.


Follow the HIPAA Regulations put in place redundant services for you phone and internet network components including encrypted faxing services.

How do you plan to comply?

An EPIK phone and internet services Audit is a great place to start. We will identify and provide a price for your solution with our Services Audit.

Our Applications

outline of a fax machine


Reliably, send and receive faxes (including long-form) without the challenges” associated with Fax-over-SIP. The EPIK Box complies with HIPAA and other regulations and provides a reliable solution that costs much less than conventional analog lines.

3 links of a chain

SCADA Sytems

(Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition Systems) SCADA Systems require reliable, always-on connectivity. Now you will have peace-of-mind knowing your control and data systems are not solely tied to your internet connection and your primary power source. Enjoy robust 4G Internet failover as back-up for primary internet connection. EPIK is 5G ready!

outline of a shopping cart

Point-of-Sale Solutions

Keep your business moving and continue taking electronic payments during a power or internet outage. With conventional POTS lines going away you need an always available solution with built-in redundancy and high performance. With an EPIK Box you will be able to take payments no matter what.

telephone with a line cord

PRI or SIP Voice Services

EPIK can provide Over-The-Top SIP services (primary or back-up), supply a PRI hand-off and 4G backup. Do not let traditional telecom solutions stay traditional, with their inherent single point of failure limitation. The EPIK Box provides a simple, reliable, and redundant path for your calls to take.

outline of a house

Gates, Alarms, and Life-Safety Applications

Many life-safety applications still work best on "analog-like" lines. The EPIK Box provides reliable connectivity which enables alarms and elevator phones to fully communicate , even if power or internet goes down. And you save money.

triangle warning sign

Disaster Avoidance

Reliable, self-contained connections for a cost-effective “always up” alternative to copper. Disaster recovery plans start with a reliable and self-contained connection. The EPIK Box delivers reliable connectivity for less.

We provide a flexible future.

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2021 Executive Advisors All Rights Reserved

The Old Network Challenge


Plain Old Telephone Service.


The ending of the "analog" Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) era of telecommunications is driving up the costs of these services.

Being obsolete with limited availability POTS prices are rising and will continue to rise as the network is being dismantled.

Internet Dependent Services.

Telephone and Cable Service Providers

Traditional copper line internet service providers and cable companies must rely on power to their onsite device. If you lose power in your office and your communications is interrupted your business is now in violation of HIPAA regulations and subject to fines.

EPIK is extremely flexible!

The EPIK box becomes your Central Office onsite.

By connecting the EPIK BOX to 4G/5G wireless services and your high speed internet service provider we have the ability to deliver what the "Central Office of Yester Year" never could.

Reliable Redundancy

Because EPIK is connected to both high speed internet and 4G LTE it meets the HIPAA required redundancy and fail over standards.

EPIK is able to provide both reliability and redundancy in a manner so effective it has qualified as a Managed Facility Voice Network (MFVN). This ensures that you have service quality and reliability from your location to the Public System Telephone Network (PSTN) or other MFVN peer networks.

You can now own your own central office and be in control of your communications services like never before, with remote monitoring, remote maintenance and support if something does go wrong 90% of repairs are completed remotely therefore much faster.

The EPIK box surrounded by all of the telecommunication devices that it supports.  For information about EPIK solutions call 463.222.2246

With one EPIK Class 5 Switch Intelligent Router, the box you see above, we have replaced the Central Office building you see below.

A telephone central office building which will be replaced by an EPIK Telecommunications box.  For information about EPIK solutions call 463.222.2246

Social Media Management

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